
Children's Museum Houston

Please REGISTER or SIGN IN (top right). Sign in is not required but is suggested. You may use your email confirmation letter to visit immediately. If this is a gift, a certificate will be emailed to you to forward to the recipients.

Pathfinder - Admission for 2

Pathfinder Gift - Admission for 2

Achiever - Admission for 4

Achiever Gift - Admission for 4

Thinker - Admission for 6

Thinker Gift - Admission for 6

Adventurer - Admission for 8

Adventurer Gift - Admission for 8

Innovator - Admission for 8

Innovator Gift - Admission for 8


Gift information

Recipient Information Below. ** Digital cards sent in 24 hours. Leave blank if you're not ready for us to notify recipients.

Enter adults living in the same household and an optional grandparent or caregiver
Enter adults living in the same household and an optional grandparent or caregiver
Total: $0.00